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We hereby declare our aim to jointly establish a GS1 Rwanda Member Organisation as part of the community of local companies interested in the use of GS1 standards.
As a supporting and upcoming member of GS1 Rwanda and as a respected authority for international business standards we will be part of the large Rwandan community of companies/organizations that promotes cooperation on eye level, by either.
- beeing users of global GS1 standards, including GS1 identification numbers to adopt global standards,
- or beeing providers of services that support the implementation of standards,
- or actively participating in organized sessions regarding the promotion of global GS1 standards

Together, we will build GS1 Rwanda

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+250 781 375971

Fairview Building, KG 622 Avenue Kigali, Rwanda


Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e. V. (BITMi)

+49 241 1890558

Pascalstr. 6, 52076 Aachen


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