About aipi

Overall Background

Rwanda ICT Chamber in partnership with the Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e. V. (BITMi) together are implementing a partnership project that is of great benefits to their respective member companies and both ICT ecosystems at large.

Our project is supported by the globally active, non-profit sequa gGmbH as part of the special initiative “Training and Employment” of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Under the brand “Invest for Jobs”, the special initiative has put together a package of offers to support German, European and African companies in their job-promoting engagement in Africa.

The main objective of the planned and ongoing activities is to implement measures that make an important contribution to increase prosperity, employment, business cooperation and improving the investment frameworks in order to facilitate further economic development and growth in ICT field in both countries.


Our mission is a strengthened Rwandan ICT ecosystem that contributes to the intensification of mutually profitable cooperations between Rwandan and German companies and to integrate vulnerable people . The goals are an increased number of jobs in the Rwandan ICT sector as well as improved international competitiveness and compensation for the shortage of skilled workers in Germany.


The project sees itself as an eye-opener regarding African markets, which is one of many reasons why all cooperations and activities take place at eye level. We are convinced that both countries can learn from each other and thus create valuable synergies on both sides.


Dr. Geraldine Schmitz aka Captain Hero

Project Director

Geraldine has been director of the project since 2019. Previously, she worked as a research and teaching staff member at the Goethe University Frankfurt and received her PhD in cultural anthropology in 2016. Her areas of expertise are sub-Saharan Africa, economics, digitalization and human trafficking.

Chris Dushime aka Papa Hero

Project Manager

Chris Dushime is a lead project manager at Rwanda ICT Chamber since 2019 managing our partnership project between the Rwandan ICT Chamber and BITMi. He is an enthusiastic and private sector oriented individual with experience of more than 5 years in the management of private sector projects.

Joyeuse Umutoni aka Caring Hero

Project Engagement and compliance Officer

Joyeuse Umutoni is an external consultant in charge of Project Engagement and compliance at AIPI, she holds a bachelor’s degree from Usiu (United state international university-Africa) Kenya - Nairobi, in International business administration and with specialisation In management. Her areas of expertise are business management and communication. Her aim is to leave the world better than she found.

Jean Jacques Rutarindwa aka Art Hero

Multimedia Specialist

Jacques joined the project in 2022 onwards as external consultant, He has more than 5 years of experience in graphic designing, Branding and Motion graphics Previously worked in Mango 4G as a creative director. Jacques is more focused on creating eye-catching visuals and meaningful experiences through design and animation and he's also in charge of AIPI website.

Samuel Murama

Project Controller

SAMUEL MURAMA is project controller at Rwanda ICT Chamber working on AIPI Project since March 2022. He is a financial expert with expericence of 5 years as financial advisor and controller private and public sectors.


Official partners


Private project partners


Contact us


+250 781 375971

Fairview Building, KG 622 Avenue Kigali, Rwanda



Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e. V. (BITMi)

+49 241 1890558

Pascalstr. 6, 52076 Aachen



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