02 Dec, 2021
ROAD TO GS1 RWANDA is an initiative initiated by AIPI (Access International Partnership in IT) the project of Rwanda ICT Chamber in partnership with the German IT based Association Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi).
GS1 is a not-for-profit organization that develops and maintains global standards for business communication. The best known of these standards is the barcode, a symbol printed on products that can be scanned electronically. This enables the sharing of trusted quality data worldwide. They tell the story behind products—where they originated, what they contain and where they have been during their supply-chain journey.
The main goal of this initiative is to create GS1 Rwanda. For Rwanda to have GS1 of its own, we are required to raise a big number of companies interested in applying for GS1 Rwanda. It will be through joint efforts from beneficiaries of these standards and AIPI team to express and follow through guidelines put in place for setting GS1 for a country. We also believe this will be a game changer for different Rwandan companies in the journey of tapping into international markets.
Represented companies are now pioneers of the initiative: Photo credit: Yves Ishimwe
On 1st to 3rd November 2021 the first workshop of ROAD TO GS1 RWANDA was held at Hotel Des Mille Collines, conducted by experts from GS1 Germany; Tim Bartram and Niklas Kuhnert.
Wide range of companies participated ranging from producers, manufacturers, exporters, as well as government regulatory institutions in Rwanda such as RSB, among others. Some of the companies that participated include CAFERWA, SAWA CITY among many others. The workshop’s goal was to raise awareness about international standards with the support from our partners; GS1 Germany ( which is the market leader in the development and distribution of global standards, to start our path to setting up GS1 Rwanda.
Participants playing marshmallow challenge during the workshop: Photo credit: Yves Ishimwe
The workshop was very informative and composed of challenges, games and presentations with thoughtful questions/answers, which made the participants comprehend GS1 structure and goals.
According to the GS1 Germany experts, GS1 Rwanda might be appointed sooner than we think, in case there are more efforts put from beneficiaries’ side. Rwanda has implemented a successful business reform agenda in order to create a favorable and competitive business environment. And according to the World Bank Doing Business Index, Rwanda was ranked as 2nd in Africa.
This is the right time for Rwanda to create a community of companies to get up to speed on GS1 Creation. AIPI finds this as a strategy of increasing a huge positive change in business and we are there to encourage/educate anyone interested in the GS1 system and objectives.
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Contact us
Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e. V. (BITMi)
+49 241 1890558
Pascalstr. 6, 52076 Aachen